CLONAID™ ,the first human cloning company in the world, was founded in February 1997, by RAEL and a group of investors who created the Valiant Venture Ltd Corporation based in the Bahamas. In the first couple of years CLONAID™ has already received enormous media coverage. However, due to the pressure mounted on the Bahamas government by French journalists, Valiant Venture Ltd was cancelled as government representatives were thinking the laboratories would be established on the Bahamas Island. Meanwhile, the list of serious potential customers had grown to more than 250 people! Therefore, during the year 2000, Rael decided to hand over the CLONAID™ project to Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, a Raelian Bishop, in order for her to start working on actually cloning the first human being with a team of well-trained scientists. Dr. Boisselier has PhD degrees in physical and biomolecular chemistry. In her last job she was a marketing director for a large chemical company in France.
In the summer of 2000, an American couple that wanted to help develop this technology in order for them to have a baby contacted Dr. Boisselier. They were the first major investors funding the equipment and the laboratory needed and CLONAID™s first human cloning laboratory was set up in early 2001.
In the summer of 2001, following several visits from U.S. government representatives in our facilities, CLONAID™ decided to pursue its human cloning project in another country where human cloning is legal.