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Clonaid team celebrates UN delay on Human Cloning Ban.

 admin    08 Nov : 04:05
 None    Misc

The Clonaid project team happily celebrated yesterday after news that the UN did not declare human cloning as a crime against humanity.

The Clonaid project team happily celebrated yesterday after news that the UN did not declare human cloning as a crime against humanity.

Representing the parents of the first cloned babies and the future parents of cloned children, The Human Clone Rights Foundation now have two years to defend their right to use their genes as they wish. Their first symposium is scheduled in Crans Montana, Switzerland on December 11th. If within this time the talk of a human-cloning ban is dropped, then the parents may be in a position to reveal the proof that they have produced cloned offspring. (www.humanclonerights.org).

Many false statements have been published during the course of these debates and Clonaid would like to make the following comments in response:

It has been suggested that human cloning is more difficult than animal cloning and therefore should never be attempted. From our three years of experience in human and animal cloning we can conclude undeniably that the cloning of human beings is not only easier, but has a much higher success-rate than with that of other mammals. Our scientists have also found that by inserting human DNA into animal eggs, such as those from cows, the resulting embryos reached the blastocyst level repeatedly without any problem. These findings confirm statements made long ago by His Holiness Rael who declared that human cloning would be easier than animal cloning due to humans having a built in mechanism that facilitates the process and therefore allows them to one day reach eternal-life scientifically. (www.rael.org)

It has been said that it is a crime to destroy embryonic life and use its stem cells to cure diseases. The real crime is to withhold stem-cell therapy from those who are dying right now or who are suffering from incurable diseases and disabilities. The Human Clone Rights Foundation and the Clonaid team are now in the process of building a list of all those who are against cloning technologies and therefore denying health and treatment to millions of people. This is to be sure that these people will never be granted access to the technology once it becomes widely available.

Meanwhile the Clonaid and Stemaid teams are happily proceeding with their reproductive and therapeutic applications.

For more information on our current reproductive and therapeutic program, consult www.clonaid.com and www.stemaid.com.

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