Clonaid team ready for human parthenogenesis

 admin    04 May : 20:59
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Clonaid scientists were pleased to learn about the breakthrough in parthenogenesis

Clonaid scientists were pleased to learn about the breakthrough in parthenogenesis
recently announced as it has been a request of many of their customers.
Dr Boisselier said :" When the lesbian couple from Holland came to us, it was their wish to have a baby bearing the genes of both of them. At this time, we could only offer them to have a baby with the genes of one them and the other mother would carry the child. It has been their way to share the act of giving life. We have received a phone call from them today and they are trusting us to have a baby now with both of their genes. Clonaid team is ready to try this new endeavor. We are sure that the law in the country where we operate doesn't prevent
this operation."
The Clonaid team has received many requests of that kind over the past 4 years and will welcome all of them now.
Dr. Boisselier added : We do not have any ethical concerns for this. Individuals should have the right to use their genes the way they want, and to reproduce the way they want. We, at Clonaid, will make sure that it is safe and reliable before using it as we did with the cloning prodedure.
Since March 1st, 30 human clones have been implanted, 23 pregnancies are under way.

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